With reference to Ian Abley’s article in your February edition, eco accounting, band-wagon or not, seems like a pretty good idea to me.

If a bandwagon will help save my kids, then I’m going to run and get on it.

I agree with all of Ian’s analysis apart from us having ‘a property market that doesn’t care’. In a few more months every single Jo Public home buyer will be running around comparing energy performance certificates, eco labels, and generally demanding homes that produce none of that nasty toxic invisible purple stuff – carbon dioxide.

People are saying no to CO2. They are seeing it for the first time. Just as there are very few non-A-rated fridges for sale any more, I’d hate to be stuck with a load of carbon obsolete homes on my hands. People, consumers and their cash are the things that will save the world.

Finally, what did Abley mean by ‘the uncertain science of stabilising the weather on a living planet’. You are normally so on the ball, Ian, but I think you have some catch up reading to do on this vital topic. Not least last month’s IPCC report, or last year’s Stern report.

The period of doubt has ended Ian. You know that. We have very little time left to dramatically detox all our carbon dioxide emissions or it’s game over for the kids. It’s that simple.

Dave Hampton, the carbon coach