Over 70% of employees are potentially at risk from exposure to electrical faults in the workplace, according to a new report from Zurich Risk Services.

The company surveyed over 600 businesses, each with over 250 employees, and found that three quarters admit that their staff could be at risk of electrical shock. The findings also revealed that 18% of those responsible for electrical safety in the workplace were not familiar with the Electricity at Work (EAW) Regulations, despite the fact that they have been in force since 1989.

Approximately 1000 electrical accidents at work are reported to the HSE each year and about 30 people die as a result of their injuries. Failure to operate a maintenance programme can be costly: 6% of businesses surveyed state that a claim has been made against them.

Phil Moore, head of engineering at Zurich Risk Services, says: “These findings highlight the lack of awareness of the EAW Regulations. Businesses need to ensure that they are 100% up-to-speed with the details of the regulations or they are potentially putting their employees at risk and bringing additional cost to their bottom line.”