Remote video surveillance has greatly improved after-hours security at the John Telford Clinic in Ilford, Essex.

Remote monitoring


After numerous incidents of vandalism, the clinic’s security was upgraded to monitored CCTV using Secom’s Vision service and, since then, criminal activity and attacks on the building have all but ceased.

Part of the Redbridge NHS Primary Care Trust (PCT), the John Telford Clinic serves a large residential area close to the town centre. A team of five GPs and support staff care for somewhere in the region of 6,000 registered patients, providing a range of community services (including dentistry and speech therapy).

Attacks on the premises encompassed break-ins, graffiti and arson, the latter ending in a repair bill of over £300,000. The clinic’s forecourt and grounds were also a popular haunt for local drug users.

Motion-sensitive cameras now cover the clinic and its grounds, automatically relaying images of activity around the building to the trained response operators at Secom’s Remote Video Response Centre (RVRC).

Vision was developed specially for the external protection of buildings and open sites, and represents a cost-effective alternative to on-site guarding.