Seaward Electronics has successfully obtained a court judgement against Michael Mellors of Nottinghamshire, stopping him from selling its PatGuard portable appliance testing data management system on eBay.

Seaward was only alerted to the sale of its product on the internet after Mellors had already sold more than 20 copies of the software, infringing the company’s intellectual property rights. Nottingham crown court ordered Mellors to pay Seaward a sum representing an account of the profits he made from the sales.

In addition to this court case, Seaward is actively pursuing other parties who are illegally selling copies of its software and the company has recently made an out of court settlement with another individual caught selling PatGuard on eBay.

Mark Marsh, Seaward group finance director, said: “The company is very happy with the outcome of the legal action and we intend pursuing the individuals who have purchased the software from Mellors.

“We actively monitor the internet for illegal sales and this example should act as a stark warning to all those involved in both supplying and purchasing unauthorised Seaward products from the internet.”