Bosch Security Systems has tackled the ongoing problem of students setting off fire alarms in a bid to avoid class by supplying an integrated CCTV system at Beardwood High School in Blackburn

CCTV Surveillance

Bosch Security Systems has supplied its EnviroDome cameras and VIDOS Video Management System for an integrated CCTV system at Beardwood High School in Blackburn.

Disruption to education is an ongoing and significant problem for schools across the UK but when Beardwood – which is responsible for educating some 1,100 students – had problems with children setting off fire alarms during school time, it decided to take drastic action and commissioned Delta Fire & Security Protection to install the CCTV system. The new system was introduced in two phases. The first tackled the immediate fire alarm problem, and saw the installation of 35 internal cameras and one external camera, positioned in corridors, covering the school’s fire alarms, and also monitoring central corridor areas, entrance and exit doors and fire escape routes.

Phase two involved the installation of six additional internal cameras and seven external EnviroDome cameras, as well as providing additional hard disk storage space. Images and audio are transmitted to a server at the school’s Facilities Management office, with a secondary control PC at the school’s main reception.

Camera pre-sets will be provided by means of external Redwall movement detectors, and will be backed up with external speakers for future expansion of the system to off-site transmission by way of a remote CCTV monitoring station.

Beardwood premises manager Kevin Glover said: “The security system has been very effective and since its introduction we have not had any fire alarms triggered by misbehaving students. We’ve seen a marked reduction in crime and an improvement in behaviour.”