All articles by Sarah Richardson – Page 43

  • News

    Strike threat over pensions


    Seventy thousand construction workers employed by councils could strike if talks with the government fail to resolve a row over pensions.

  • News

    Road to Wembley will not be ready for cup final


    The redevelopment of the key access road to Wembley stadium will not be completed by the time the facility opens for next year’s FA Cup final in May.

  • News

    Revenue makes U-turn on CIS scheme


    The Customs and Inland Revenue has bowed to increasing pressure from the construction industry and fellow Whitehall departments and agreed to delay the start of its CIS tax scheme by one year.

  • Wolfowitz: New bank president takes business-friendly approach

    World Bank plans action against corrupt clients


    A Building investigation reveals proposals to pay contractors directly and take ‘aggressive’ actions to defend them from rogue governments, as evidence mounts that UK firms are being hit by non-payment

  • News

    Call to use car factory workers


    Constructing Excellence has called on the DTI to investigate the possibility of workers from the car industry doubling up as construction manufacturers to ease the industry’s skills crisis.

  • News

    T5 steelworkers set to win £1 bonus


    Steelworkers at Heathrow Terminal 5 look set to win their battle to secure bonuses after strikes were called off at the start of this week.

  • Stephen Williams

    I’ll be seeing you …


    Stephen Williams has just been appointed head of construction at the Health and Safety Executive. As Building discovered, he is a man with an intense interest in the industry – and plans personally to visit as many sites as possible.

  • News

    Schools need sprinklers to combat arson, says EC Harris


    Consultant calls for sprinkler systems to come as standard in new-build schools, as yearly arson bill rises to £70m

  • News

    T5 pay deal set to spread outside London


    The architects of a pioneering pay deal for electricians at Heathrow Terminal 5 are negotiating to introduce the agreement on regeneration projects. This could lead to it being adopted outside the capital

  • Boys: SMEs shy away from going to the OFT

    Third of small businesses harmed by cartels


    The office of Fair Trading has found that anti-competitive business practices such as cartels and price-fixing are harming a third of small and medium-sized construction firms.

  • News

    T5 steelworkers set to strike


    The Heathrow Terminal 5 scheme is set to be hit by walkouts next week after steelworkers voted in favour of striking over pay.

  • News

    ‘Critical’ skills shortage set to hit New Orleans recovery


    Consultant Davis Langdon predicts bid costs rises of 20% because of inflated salaries and lack of contractors

  • Fast and silent: The Shanghai hover train

    Blair pushes forward hover train proposal


    Tony Blair has personally intervened to push forward the scrutiny of proposals for a high-speed hovering train link between Glasgow and London, giving the first clear signal that the government is seriously considering the plans, write Sarah Richardson and David Rogers.

  • News

    Industry anger over delay to Building Regulations updates


    Industry bodies have attacked revisions to Parts F and L of the Building Regulations published this week, claiming firms will be unable to meet the deadlines for energy efficiency changes.

  • Bovis’ boat 2XL (left) battles against a rival and finishes third in its class

    On the ocean wave


    This year’s Little Britain regatta in the Isle of Wight was another roaring success – especially for joint race winners Amey and Languard Investments. And with a Moulin Rouge-themed evening and gala dinner with charity auction, the event certainly wasn’t all about the sailing … Your correspondent was there enjoying ...

  • Building’s new Graduate Advisory Panel

    The Graduates


    How do you get young people to join construction? Once they’re in, how do you keep them? Well, we could ask these guys. These 10 professionals from every corner of the industry are Building’s new Graduate Advisory Panel, and they’ll be sharing their views on recruitment, skills and more in ...

  • News

    Major contractors push for fast-tracked skills cards


    Whitehall fears proposal to award cards to workers after they pass safety test may undermine CSCS credibility

  • News

    Industry anger over delay to Building Regulations updates


    Industry bodies have attacked revisions to Parts F and L of the Building Regulations published this week, claiming firms will be unable to meet the deadlines for energy efficiency changes.

  • Wake-up call: Much of the Thames Gateway is on a flood plain

    New Orleans: Lessons for UK


    In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, insurers have warned about the flood risk in the Thames Gateway

  • News

    New Orleans: Lessons for UK


    In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, insurers have warned about the flood risk in the Thames Gateway