Institution to hold EGM on Carsberg review recommendations in October

The RICS has launched a campaign to persuade members to vote yes to its proposed regulatory reforms. The campaign is under the banner 'Vote Yes for clear and simple regulation, Vote No for business as usual' and has been communicated via a letter sent by RICS president Graham Chase to all members.

The RICS claims the changes to the regulatory system will encourage members into compliance and "protect and maintain the RICS' existing strong record of defending public interest". The changes are based on recommendations made by Sir Bryan Carsberg, who carried out an independent review of the regulations system in 2004.

Chase claimed the EGM vote was "one of the most important votes we have seen for many years". "It will introduce the most efficient and effective system of professional regulation that the RICS has seen and presents us with a massive opportunity to increase the reputation and public awareness of our profession," he said.

The EGM will take place on 17 October at the RICS' headquarters in central London.