12:30PM Government must get consumers involved to reduced energy demand

The RICS has asked the government to create a 'one stop shop' for energy information to make it easier for consumers to reduce energy consumption.

Presenting evidence to the DEFRA House of Commons Select Committee inquiry into climate change ‘the citizens agenda’ yesterday, the RICS suggested this should take the form of a web portal supported by a comprehensive advertising campaign.

RICS head of policy Brian Berry, said: "Households are unaware of their carbon footprint. The government would be well advised to introduce a one stop shop where consumers can see how they can reduce their carbon footprint, be more energy efficient and save money.”

The organisation called for the government to show vigorous leadership to reduce energy demand. The RICS said building regulations have to be improved so that they are in line with the best European and international standards. It also asked for a refinement of the planning system to make it easier to install wind turbines and roof top solar panels, and the introduction of fiscal incentives for industry to provide energy efficient buildings.

Berry added: “Consumers can't be expected to act alone, the government must shake off it's complacency and help to educate the population on energy efficiency. The UK government needs to be much more assertive if we are to believe it is serious about reducing UK CO2 emissions.”