3:10PM Institution calls for 20-year view taken by government in response to Barker planning review

The UK needs a national spatial plan for making major decisions on development and infrastructure, the RICS urged today. In its response to the Barker Review, a report into the planning system commissioned by the Treasury, the institution said the plan would balance national interests and local concerns. "Without a plan, Barker's review is in danger of creating a democratic deficit.' Brian Berry, RICS head of public policy, said.

Berry warned however that new development should, wherever possible, be 'town centre first' to minimise the loss of green space and to allay growing fears that the green belt will be diminished.

'With increasing population growth, the emphasis must be on higher density, multi-storey development and the use of compulsory purchase powers. Fears that the countryside will be built over are simply unfounded.' he said.