The ECA is among the contributors to the Electrical Safety Council’s new Best Practice Guide for electrical contractors and installers on periodic inspection reporting.

The aim of the guide, Periodic Inspection Reporting – recommendation codes for domestic and similar electrical installations, is to provide practical guidance for electricians on the correct way to attribute Recommendation Codes when carrying out a Periodic Inspection Report.

The guide introduces a new concept for reports: any observation given either a Recommendation Code 1 (requires urgent attention) or Code 2 (requires improvement) should result in the overall assessment of the condition of the installation being recorded as unsatisfactory.

Previous guidance has been that only observations given a Code 1 should automatically result in an overall unsatisfactory assessment.

This has, in the past, resulted in Code 2 observations being ignored by householders and landlords having potentially dangerous electrical installations.

Copies of the guide can be downloaded free of charge from the Business and Communities section of Copies of the other three Best Practice Guides from the Electrical Safety Council can also be obtained from the site.

The industry bodies that contributed to or supported the development of this guide are: Corgi, ECA, Elecsa, IET, NICEIC, SCEME and Select.