Rehau has carried out indicative energy rating tests on its new Rehau-Heritage vertical slider and has achieved a ‘B’ and ‘C’ rating on two versions of the new window. This means the Rehau-Heritage will qualify for the coveted ‘Energy Saving Recommended’ mark.

The tests were carried out on two versions of the new window – one targeted at the public and new build sector with a standard bottom rail which achieved a B rating, and one targeted at the retail and conservation market with a traditional mechanically jointed deep bottom rail which achieved a C.

Rehau customers fabricating in Rehau-Heritage will be able to have their windows formally assessed to the same standard and will be able to mark their windows with the ‘Energy Saving Recommended’ logo.

The new vertical slider was rolled out to Rehau’s fabricator network during the first half of 2006 and made its first public appearance at the Chartered Institute of Housing exhibition in Harrogate in June.