Government comes under fire from HVCA president for lack of action on Building Regulations additions.

Heating and Ventilating Contractors’ Association president John Miller has challenged the government to enforce laws added last year to Building Regulations Part L.

“Along with many other interests across construction, the HVCA welcomed the Part L revisions, which introduced tighter energy-efficiency requirements for h&v projects in new and existing buildings,” said Miller.

This had included broadening the range of work that must be notified to local authority building control for inspection and approval, and developing competent persons schemes that allow suitably qualified contractors to self-certify work to comply with the regulations.

“The HVCA’s disquiet arises from the fact that, having put such enlightened and environmentally responsible laws in place, the government seems unable, or unwilling, to enforce it,” said Miller.

John Miller was speaking at the HVCA President’s Luncheon 2007, held at the British Association of Film and Television Arts, London, on 13 September.

Miller claims building control departments up and down the country are failing to police the regulations. Many of them are deliberately turning a blind eye to the new regime, he says.

“Our representations on this key issue to the Department for Communities and Local Government have so far gone unrewarded,” insisted Miller.

“The government must put its house in order on an issue that has massive implications, not only for engineering services, and construction, but ultimately for the nation and the planet.

“Positive action must be taken now,” concludes Miller. “The new regulations have teeth. Now they must be made to bite.”