The Site, By Andrew Dawber, Unlimited Publishing

Any book that starts with the sentence ‘All architects are morons’ gets my vote. OK, I admit this is very old-fashioned of me in this era of collaborative team-working. But then The Site, written by structural engineer Andrew Dawber, is set in the nineties. The main protagonist of the story is – unsurprisingly – structural engineer Mark Bradley, who gets his first job with a contractor and ends up on a project beset by problems.

The characters are stereotypes – ‘Teflon Harvey’ the project manager, Derek, the site manager with a thing against graduates and Seamus the itinerant worker – but no less amusing for that. It’s an entertaining read. And it’s great to read a novel about construction.

The book is only available in the US and won’t be officially released here until next year. But if you want an advanced copy, visit the author’s website, KS