The Council for Aluminium in Building (CAB) have donated proceeds from their recent AGM charity raffle to the Slimbridge based Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT), which is close to the CAB offices in Stonehouse.

A cheque for £1000 was given to Lady Philippa Scott by David Earle, CAB's Technical Officer (both pictured). Founded in 1946 by the artist and naturalist Sir Peter Scott, The WWT is the UK's only specialist wetland conservation charity with a national network of wetland visitor centres.

The CAB donation is to go towards further research into the Berwick's swan survival study. International censuses found that there were five per cent fewer Bewick's Swans in Britain and Ireland in 2005 than in 2000. Declines have also been noted in other parts of Europe since the mid 1990s.