I’m really looking forward to taking on my role as president of the ECA. It’s a privilege to be following my predecessor, Alan North, and I would like to thank him for the commitment he has shown throughout his term in office.

This is an exciting time for the Association thanks to the hard work of my fellow officers and ECA staff who continue to drive positive change for members on a wide range of issues including employment, health and safety and the environment. We have certainly seen the fruits of this labour with the success of initiatives such as ZAP and the mood of optimism among ECA members, highlighted in the last member business survey.

As I take on the presidency, I’m very aware that a key concern for our industry is the predicted skills gap, particularly at technical and managerial level. Having started out as a student apprentice myself, the issue is close to my heart. I feel it is important that we invest in the ongoing training of operatives, particularly at this time of technological change. I hope to be able to work closely with my ECA colleagues to play a part in bringing the issue of apprentice training to the fore in the year ahead.