This month ECA officers have focused on the importance of good communication and the impact this can have on our sector

In a wide variety of places, both at grass roots and national level, we have tried to deliver key messages to help our industry progress in what can only be described as difficult times.

As a result, our views on the economy have reached thousands of people, not only through press releases and articles but also via the ECA Annual Dinner, which brought together a broad spectrum of key industry players. In addition, the ECA held three regional conferences where more than 400 members came together to discuss the way forward.

We are working tirelessly to address key issues on behalf of our members. In a one-on-one discussion with a government minister on payment, support for the industry and SMEs was pushed to the limit. We will continue to explore all avenues that help our members weather the current economic climate.

We can help ourselves. Don’t talk down the industry with problems – look for solutions. Don’t worry about what you can’t influence, focus on what you can. Show you are passionate in your beliefs. Passion and commitment go a long way.