Finally the Government has announced its intention to include domestic electrical installation work within the Building Regulations. From 1 January 2005 all electrical work in dwellings must comply with Part P requirements.
In addition to this welcomed move, the Government has also announced its approval of the Competent Person Scheme developed by BRE Certification in collaboration with ECA and the IEE. Firms that want to become certified as Competent Persons, and be able to self-certify that their work complies with Part P of the Building Regulations, are now able to apply to this scheme.
The inclusion of domestic electrical installation work within the Building Regulations and the approval of the Competent Person Scheme is a landmark for the electrical contracting industry. It is something for which the ECA has lobbied Government for many years and congratulations should go to all those involved within the Association and our partner organisations who have worked hard to make this happen.
The challenge now will be to process the many electrical firms who will want to become approved as Competent Persons in time for the implementation of Part P. This is a challenge that I am confident will be met.
Electrical and Mechanical Contractor
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