M&E firm boasts increase in operating profits and packed order books despite economic downturn
Powerminster Gleeson Services has announced that it is on target for its fourth consecutive profitable year.
The firm, which has just reached the middle of its financial year, has managed to stand firm despite the economic climate, as it now offers the market a broad range of maintenance, facilities and estate management services to both the public and private sectors.
It has recently launched ProCare, a total facilities management service to social landlords.
Powerminster Gleeson Services is also working on initiatives to make changing to more energy efficient heating systems more affordable in these times when homeowners are looking for alternatives.
Recent successes for the company include winning contracts to provide facilities management services for Cheshire ExtraCare Sheltered housing, with Cheshire County Council, and the Leeds Independent Living project, working with Leeds City Council.
The company has also been shortlisted down to the last two contractors on two major PFI contracts in the North West region.
Darrell Fox, interim managing director, said: “We had the foresight over the past five years to get involved in a number of long-term PFI projects, which have given us sustained business for upwards of 20 years. This means we have a steady, secure order book.”
Fox continued: “Many social and private landlords are looking to outsource their facilities management services at the moment, which is a major growth area for us.
“Customer service is crucial and providing a 24/7 service, which is well resourced with engineers on the ground who can respond quickly, is vitally important. This is the key to our success and we are continuing to build on our presence in areas, such as the North West, South East and Yorkshire regions.”
Powerminster Gleeson Services reports that it has a total facilities management order book with an anticipated value in excess of £158m.
Electrical and Mechanical Contractor