What’s going on in government

All eyes will be on the Treasury next month to see what it produces on the controversial planning gain supplement in the Budget. Three key consultations on the PGS close on 28 February.

Elsewhere, the Cave Review on the future of social housing regulation following the planned merger of the Housing Corporation with English Partnerships closed its call for evidence on 16 February and is due to report in the Spring.

The Hill Review of the future of social housing was also due to be published as Regenate went to press.

Also upcoming is a promised consultation document on what the likely powers and responsibilities will be of Communities England.

UK parliament bills

Crossrail Bill
Bill to allow London’s Crossrail project to proceed. In Select Committee in the House of Commons.

Greater London Authority Bill
Bill to increase the powers of the London Mayor. In Select Committee until 23 February.

Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Bill
Bill to bring forward key proposals in last October’s white paper including requiring councils and the NHS to work together on funding local health needs. Now in committee stage in the House of Commons.

Planning Gain Supplement (preparations) Bill
Bill to allow the government to fund work to set up the PGS. Being scrutinised by House of Commons Committee.

Sustainable Communities Bill
Private members’ bill to require the DCLG to provide guidance to councils on how to create a sustainable community. Awaiting scrutiny by a House of Commons Committee.

DCLG consultations

Building a Greener Future
Proposes a timetable for ensuring all new homes are zero-carbon by 2016. Closes 8 March

Planning and Climate Change
Proposes changes to PPS1 so that planners approve lower carbon-emitting residential and commercial schemes. Closes 8 March.

Changes to Planning Obligations for Planning Gain Supplement
Shows how planning gain system will be scaled back if PGS is introduced. Closes 28 February.

The Role of City-Development Companies
Proposes establishing development vehicles to spur regeneration in cities. Closes 7 March.

HM Revenue and Customs consultations

Paying the Planning Gain Supplement
Sets out how PGS would be paid to the government. Closes 28 February

Valuing Planning Gain
Sets out the valuations that will be made in order to calculate PGS. Closes 28 February.

Scottish Executive consultations

Homelessness Etc (Scotland) Act: Implementation of Section 11
Proposals by Scottish Executive on introducing requirement for all landlords to report repossessions. Closes 30 March.

Land Use (Gardens Protection etc) Bill
Private members bill backed by Conservative communities spokeswoman Caroline Spelman to look at why gardens are classed as brownfield land for development purposes. Second reading due to be completed on 2 June