A Plymouth school which uses renewable energy for all its heating needs claims to be one of the greenest schools in the UK.
The new Brook Green Centre for Learning, designed by Gale and Snowden Architects and Engineers, uses ground source heat pumps and solar panels for all space heating and hot water. The building also features an advanced passive ventilation system cools the building in summer and ensures low CO2 levels throughout the year.

Heat is delivered through the school by an underfloor heating system. In summer window louvres and high level vents open automatically to provide free cooling. In winter, high CO2 levels and high night time temperatures are also corrected via the passive vent system.
The project’s building management system delivers web pages to a display screen in the school’s restaurant. This enables pupils and staff to see clearly how the heating, cooling and hot water systems are operating, in real time.
Building Sustainable Design
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