I feel great sympathy with Philip Cutts, (letters, CM October) as I have regularly stopped to tell ‘small builders’ that they are putting themselves in danger.

Usually I get a curt response and they continue as they were before. Sometimes I have been so concerned that I have contacted the HSE or Building Control – and seen no further action.

One tack which has worked is to ring their office (sometimes it’s a wife that answers) and point out what has been seen and how this is putting the individual at risk – I have never had an unsympathetic response.

Once the danger has been pointed out to the individuals, if the individual chooses not to take heed there is little more we can do. I have learnt to pick my battles carefully and use my knowledge and time to best effect where I can make a considerable difference. It is a hard decision to make but one necessary to sleep easy at night.

Jenny Gibson ICIOB