Alan Crane, chairman of Rethinking Construction, has told the industry in no uncertain terms that it must radically improve its attitude to people.
Speaking at a Respect for People conference in early October, chairman of Rethinking Construction, Alan Crane admitted that the construction industry was suffering from 'initiative overload' – but that this was no excuse for inaction.

People issues must be at the forefront of improvements to construction productivity. "We have just concluded two years of industry-wide trials which showed that improvement in performance and attention to people go hand-in-hand," said Crane.

A new report, Respect for people – a framework for action, sets four objectives for the construction industry: a 20% increase in the number of construction workers employed by Investors in People firms; 20% reduction in reportable accidents; a 20% increase in under-represented groups entering the industry; and measurement of workforce satisfaction with working conditions at least once a year.

Crane concluded that the construction industry must attract quality people. "The only way this can be achieved is through radical improvements to the conditions, career development and environment in which we expect them to work."