Megger’s PAT4 portable appliance testers meet the IET code and are designed to save you time

The latest PAT4 Mk3 portable appliance testers from Megger are programmed with test limits that cover all the requirements of the Institution of Engineering and Technology’s Code of practice for in-service inspection and testing of electrical equipment.

All testers in the PAT4 range have been designed to minimise the time required to perform tests and access the results. The testers are ready for use within five seconds of being switched on less than one-sixth of the time needed by some other testers, claims Megger. In addition, a large qwerty keyboard makes operation and data entry aids use.

Plain English group test codes make PAT4 testers easy to work with. Users have the choice of adding their own groups and making their own decisions about pass or fail limits on a test-by-test basis, or using the prestored limits that will automatically be applied by the instrument. Users can also set the test duration.

Test results, grouped by client, location, room, and so on, are automatically stored in an on-board database, which can be searched by asset ID, retest due date, group test code, or a location within a client site.

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