Tony Douglas has left Heathrow to embark on a five-year plan to accelerate Laing O’Rourke’s ambition to become the industry’s biggest player.

Douglas was in charge of construction at Heathrow’s T5 during his time with BAA, but has now become chief operating officer at O’Rourke.

Douglas worked alongside chairman Ray O’Rourke at T5 where the firm was main contractor. His management style caught the eye of O’Rourke who was keen to install him as his new right-hand man. Douglas has described his new role as ‘pretty much my dream job’

Douglas told Building magazine: ‘Ray and I have a very special relationship. We have some things in common and we are different too. Ray is a forthright person with massive energy and ambition.

‘I have that level of energy and ambition to deliver. The differences are I’ve come from an established big company. Laing O’Rourke has gone through phenomenal change to become a big company.’

He is now working on plans to turn the UK’s largest private contractor into a ‘super heavyweight’ by forming new alliances with clients to shape projects from their inception. O’Rourke is also looking to increase off-site construction methods and is planning for more than three-quarters of work to be carried out that way.

Douglas said: ‘This is a new proposition. Next year this will be happening and 80% of our business will be like it by 2012.’

Douglas joined the firm as O’Rourke produced its annual accounts and human capital report on staff members. The report reveals that the average salary at the firm hit £38,500 this year with project leaders paid an average of £81,595 and site managers £43,461. Membership of the CIOB remained strong at the firm with 286 staff registered as qualified members.