Opinion – Page 353

  • Sweetings

    Wonders & blunders with Fergus Henderson


    Restaurateur Fergus Henderson considers a temple to chaos, fine dining and the wet fish trade in the City of London and, er, the City of London

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    My digital life: Nick Fishlock


    What’s on your iPod?

  • Hansom

    Hansom: Claws on the catwalk


    As London Fashion Weekend draws to a close, it seems construction is still in the mood, getting huffy about shoe design, contemplating the female form and knocking back champagne. Back to reality, guys

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    Contractors are bagging a third less new work than at peak


    The latest new orders figures provide a sobering injection of reality after the barrage of "it's okay the recession is over" talk that seems rife.Yes the rate of collapse has slowed. But it's the level that really matters at the moment.Forgetting seasonal adjusted constant price measures, if we compare the ...

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    How much has the recession cost house builders? um...


    During a conversation with a colleague on the recent spate of cash calls by house builders I was quizzed on how much damage the recession had done to their balance sheets.I made a stab (a lucky guess as it turned out), but I should have had a number at my ...

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    Economy not as bad as we thought thanks to construction


    The fall in GDP wasn't as big as we thought thanks to stronger than estimated construction activity. That is the assessment of the statisticians who put together the national accounts.But is this good news or bad news for construction?The statisticians take was that construction output in the UK fell 0.8% ...

  • Comment

    What does the housing market data really mean?


    This month has seen several conflicting reports on the state of the housing market - so will the gloom continue or are we at the start of an upturn?Some reports have pointed to recent residential market strength, but can it be sustained? House prices are up 8% since February, according ...

  • Denise Chevin

    Say sorry and move on


    Well, it’s been an emotional roller-coaster ride, hasn’t it?

  • Richard Steer

    The fall guys: Richard Steer on the challenges ahead


    So we tumbled off the cliff. But, to look on the bright side, we survived. The task now is to identify what challenges we are likely to face on the long climb back up

  • Hansom

    Hansom: How predictable


    We have an informative and educational selection of items this week, from stripped pine in the Gulf to Libyan seafood … although I expect you’ll go straight to the one about bear wrestling with Sarah Beeny

  • Last week we told the tale of these three graduates

    Wasted opportunity


    As I read your piece about the plight of graduates seeking employment (11 September, page 34), it reminded me of my own horror story during the last recession, when it took me more than 200 job applications and two interviews before I secured the job I wanted

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    Wasted talent


    I have just read and re-read the article in this week’s Building magazine outlining the bleak situation that graduates are finding themselves in. It has left me feeling numb and disheartened by the current job market

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    Wasted training


    As a student involved in the construction industry your article certainly struck a chord

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    Wasted trainers


    The loss of Train to Gain funding to help keep workers skilled in the UK goes completely against the government pledge. Apart from the lost skills, there is a hidden impact on both colleges and training providers who have had to lay off staff, and in some cases training providers ...

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    Reality check


    I sympathise with David Marks (28 August, page 22) and understand it is tough to manage cash flows in this environment. But I would also like to say: PLEASE WAKE UP AND SEE THE REALITY

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    Unoriginal sin


    Robert Adam (11 September, page 28) has been tempted by the apple of resentment to deride those who don’t agree with his way of thinking

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    Healthcare: How to build a hospital


    Open mike: What happens when a nurse who has been on the client side of healthcare projects finds herself working for a contractor?

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    Insurance cover: Don't attempt the impossible


    If you don’t make sure your subcontractors have a specific level of cover you may find your own insurer drops you like a hot potato

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    My digital life: David Rosenberg


    What’s your preferred means of communication?

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    Building buys a pint … for London Basement Company


    “He’s got a big beard …” ponders site foreman Tom