Opinion – Page 352

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    OFT special: This time it's personal


    Even if the OFT has found a firm guilty, they can still nail the directors – with a prison sentence and colossal fine. And individual liability is a growth area

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    Musings from the Tory conference


    David Cameron’s rousing finale to this year’s Conservative Party Conference – focused on family, community and country and highlighted health, regeneration, education and housing. The importance for our sectors in focusing on the benefits of investment in infrastructure, and the role of built assets in enabling efficiency, rather than ...

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    Future traders think the tide has turned for house prices


    The futures market is now pricing in strong growth in the housing market, with the Halifax index priced to rise by 6% over the coming 12 months and by 12% over 5 years.This is a marked rise in the prices from just a month ago and reflects the uplift in ...

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    Who'll do "a Parsons Brinckerhoff" next?


    Contractors are still pondering the implications of Balfour Beatty's canny swoop on American infrastructure firm Parsons Brinckerhoff last month.The almost universal reaction has been one of envy at a deal that takes Balfour up the food chain and further into the white collar world of consulting while strengthening its US ...

  • Richard Steer, Philip Youell and Jonathan Goring

    The G3 summit: How much trouble are we in and how do we get out?


    At this point in the business cycle we have at least some idea of what the recession has done to consultants, and how they can regroup and fight back. Three QS leaders comment

  • Denise Chevin

    Housing's hidden crisis


    Did he did do enough to win your vote, then?

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    How do I … fund a claim?

    Even if you are reasonably sure of success, funding can be an obstacle to pursuing a claim. Luckily, there are three alternatives to stumping up the cash yourself

  • Kevin Cammack

    Costing the earth


    You may think that, given the importance of a housebuilder’s landbank, there would be a well understood way of valuing it. And you’d be wrong

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    Blame the clients


    One aspect of the Office of Fair Trading’s cover-pricing inquiry that seems to have been missed is the effect of clients and their professional advisers

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    Take a cut of future contracts


    There may be such a thing as an innocent cover price, if the contractor does not want to bid but does want to show willing. However, cover prices can be used to share the work around and the only reason for that is to keep prices high

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    Doubt its illegality


    The 13 roofing contractors that the OFT found guilty of price fixing in 2006 were not engaged in “simple cover pricing”, but bid-rigging

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    Worry about Europe


    A key point that was not addressed in the podcast on www.building.co.uk was the future ability of the “guilty” contractors to tender for public works

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    Be ashamed (i)


    If a member of the RICS were found guilty of anything “fraudulent” they would be stripped of their MRICS status and would most likely be fired by their employer

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    Be ashamed (ii)


    As a registered architect, all I can say is that if I were found guilty of this sort of practice I would be struck off – not given excuses by the government

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    Suspend the fines


    Although the process of investigation and the resultant findings were necessary to halt bid-rigging, I among many others will be disappointed by the level of fines imposed by the OFT, which may cripple or close some companies

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    Learn basic morals


    Why do the construction companies seem not to understand their own lack of morality?

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    Put your house in order


    In a world of short tender periods and poor contract information, clients are expecting contractors to be gamblers

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    Punish the guilty


    Cover pricing saves the contractors the cost of tendering and they can agree between themselves who will get the next tender

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    Use the information


    I am surprised at some of the respected names that appear on the list

  • Amanda Levete

    The academy in peril


    If you find yourself with a spare hour in Piccadilly, go and see Anish Kapoor at the RA: it’s disturbing, even violent, but it has a lot to say about how art fits into buildings