Opinion – Page 345

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    Fire safety first


    BBC London’s recent exposé on fire safety risks at social housing blocks doesn’t come as much of a surprise. Across the UK’s social housing sector, awareness and understanding of the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2006 (RRFSO) is worryingly low

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    Actually, it's the actuaries


    Building’s editor is misinformed about why pension funds have failed (23 October, page 3). We didn’t suddenly “start living 10 years longer”. Life expectancy has been rising steadily since Bazalgette fixed London’s sewers and wiped out cholera

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    On-demand guarantees: At the mercy of the client


    The most powerful weapon at a client’s disposal – the on-demand guarantee – leaves contractors open to claims at the drop of a hat

  • Gus Alexander

    Party politics: Gus Alexander on overpriced party wall surveyors


    Gus Alexander doesn’t like to get involved in spats over party walls. Scumbag neighbours he can deal with, but overpriced surveyors who think they’re auditioning for Boston Legal? Never

  • Denise Chevin

    The task facing Paul Morrell


    When the House of Commons’ business and enterprise committee made the appointment of a chief construction officer one of the main recommendations in its Construction Matters report in July last year, many people thought it was a great idea – and likely to remain just that

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    Pats on the back at the Plaisterers' awards


    Do you know what a livery company is? Do you know what they do? Do you know their relevance to the construction industry in the 2009?In my sector, plastering and drylining, I regularly ask that question. Sadly my queries are often met by blank stares which are particularly disappointing ...

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    Payment excuses are getting more inventive


    The cheque is in the post has a whole new ring to it given the industrial relations at Royal Mail. Where has all the money gone? It is certainly not circulating in the Construction Industry and I don’t think it is just in a sorting office in London.Given that ...

  • Comment

    The task facing Paul Morrell


    When the House of Commons’ business and enterprise committee made the appointment of a chief construction officer one of the main recommendations in its Construction Matters report in July last year, many people thought it was a great idea – and likely to remain just that. Sixteen months and a ...

  • John Redmond

    Return of the arbitrator


    The 100-day form of arbitration has received a resurgence of interest in recent times, and rightly so, as it has several advantages over adjudication

  • Tony Bingham

    A contractor's survival guide


    How many times have you read about contractors losing money, or going bust, as the result of a few ‘problem contracts’? So shouldn’t they do more to plan for them?

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    Are you drowning?


    Are you suspicious that one of your commercial partners is on the brink of insolvency? Here are a few signs that it’s about to happen – and how to protect yourself

  • Hansom

    Hansom: Financial advisers


    A City update, a pub in France during a football match, the RICS’ new service, even Amy Winehouse – it seems you can find business advice anywhere this week. Oh, except at a RIBA business advice event

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    Crazy money


    Richard Steer’s point that low bids are giving the QS industry a bad name is absolutely on the mark (13 November, page 34) – and if we’re not careful, what we’ll see eventually is death by a thousand cuts. However, the larger consultancy firms such as the big six or ...

  • Why don’t children ever listen?

    Sound advice


    The Noise Abatement Society’s Love Your Ears campaign aims to raise awareness and protect children’s hearing from permanent damage through continued exposure to loud music on MP3 players. However, it should also echo with the construction industry, where BB93 verification is yet to become mandatory and schools still risk failing ...

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    The price is wrong


    The message sent out by Richard Steer is very apt in relation to what is happening in the marketplace. I question, though, whether his points only apply to QS consultants

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    It’s no fun anymore


    Having been a member of the RICS for more than 50 years, I read with interest your leader on 20 November (page 3)

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    My health and safety sleep-in


    After 50 years’ unbroken employment in the construction industry I was made redundant in July. I’ve been catching up on some Building back numbers before savouring the luxury of going back to bed for an hour or so before breakfast

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    Talking up the upturn


    Following the Construction Products Association’s announcement that nine out of 10 construction products firms has reported significantly falling sales, it is easy to feel negative. However, as America and the rest of Europe are well on their way out of recession, we must be positive to ensure that we follow ...

  • John Sorrell

    Steel yourselves: John Sorrell on school design


    Just as we’ve finally started to build well-designed schools, the knives are out to cut back on quality. We have to resist those who threaten to wield them

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    My digital life: Peter Caplehorn


    What is your preferred means of communication?