Opinion – Page 341

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    No compromises


    I was surprised to read your article

  • Rules are rules, as any fool can see …

    Local concerns


    I was among the 150 residents evacuated because of the Camberwell fire on Wednesday morning

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    A necessary expense


    Although I normally find your leader page of great interest, I must admit to some disappointment in the choice of words regarding the fire at Camberwell

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    A new plan


    To all my friends at the Royal Town Planning Institute: why are you doing nothing to aid unemployed planning graduates?

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    Push ahead


    I fully endorse the WWF’s call for every house in Scotland to be given free loft and wall insulation to help meet the targets for cutting carbon emissions laid down in the Climate Change (Scotland) Act

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    In praise of the RICS


    RICS is a prestigious body with a mark of professionalism the world over. To this end we should embrace the spirit of inclusiveness – which is the basis of globalisation and innovation

  • Tony Bingham

    The Scottish enlightenment: Expert determination vs arbitration


    What’s the difference between expert determination and arbitration? Is there a difference? Yes there is, and a Caledonian court spelled it out

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    Nil desperandum: Fighting a firm in administration


    Andrew MacCuish and Steven Fennell What do you do if the company you are suing goes into administration? Well, actually, there are quite a few steps you should consider

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    Half-way houses: Greening social housing


    Open mike So we’ve finally got serious about making existing homes greener. That can make a big difference to social housing, says Jeffrey Adams – but only if we mix ambition with pragmatism

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    Choosing an expert witness: Michelangelo Who?


    Many cases are decided by the testimony of an expert witness, says Paul Donnelly. So, a great way to lose your case is to employ the wrong one. Here’s how you avoid that

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    Number snacks: 2


    Contractors won 61% less in commercial sector construction orders in cash terms in the 12 months to November last year than they did in 12 months to the end of 2007.Here is a graph of orders won for all types of new work on a 12-month rolling basis.The graph shows ...

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    Why the forecast of a shallower recession is bad news for contractors


    The latest forecast from the Construction Products Association suggests that the drop in future workload will not be as large as the forecasters had previously thought.The graph opposite compares the past three Construction Products Association forecasts.It clearly shows that with each progressive quarterly forecast the expected hole in construction workload ...

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    Carbon reduction regs: Are you ready to commit?


    The Carbon Reduction Commitment energy trading scheme comes into force in April, but building owners should be preparing for it now if they want to avoid a hefty bill

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    How do I... control adjudication costs?

    In the latest of our series on tackling your own legal affairs, Ben Mullard of Berwin Leighton Paisner looks at what parties can do to control the cost of an adjudication

  • Michael Gove

    Wouldn’t you like to live in the past?


    Splendid architecture, fully staffed train stations in every village, motorway service stations serving the produce of local farms … Michael Gove makes his (optimistic) predictions for 2010

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    Building buys a pint... for Stride Treglown


    Within five minutes of sitting down it’s obvious this is going to be a long night

  • Max Crofts, RICS president

    Max Crofts: Reading the riot act


    Here’s a message to RICS members: why are you complaining when you could be changing? Give us your effort, time and passion and we can overcome the challenges we face

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    My digital life: Iain Stevenson


    What are you listening to?

  • Hansom

    Hansom: Midwinter night’s dream


    My construction compatriots have been enjoying swimming pools, ice cream, stripping off, slimming down and having a break from work – is this January I see before me or the height of summer?

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    Beware Americans bearing gifts


    Having worked in the past for a company that was acquired by a US firm, I would suggest that although the money and promises made are attractive, the outcome is often less so (“US giants plan raid on British consultancy sector”, 11 December, page 9)