Opinion – Page 340

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    Exceptional circumstances: Construction Act


    A recent decision by Mr Justice Ramsey means that the Construction Act can be applied to more activities than you may have thought

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    My digital life: Steven Gossling


    What is your favourite thing on TV at the moment?

  • Hansom

    Hansom: The home front


    In Blighty this week, the propaganda machine turns defeat into victory, the government frets about who’s listening in and some of our old friends are (temporarily) missing in action

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    Where credit’s due


    It was interesting to read the spin put on the discussions between the RICS and the Construction Industry Council (CIC) by Max Crofts, president of the RICS (8 January, page 27)

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    Down with this sort of thing


    I have been a supporter of the construction industry for over 50 years yet regularly we shoot ourselves in the foot

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    A pod for all the people


    I was pleased to see that Balfour Beatty implemented the use of pods in the Birmingham hospital project (11 December, page 43)

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    Show your working


    Regrettably, the money won’t go as far as your article on home improvements suggests (8 January, page 42)

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    Arguing over the bill


    How much information is necessary to produce a tender?

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    Not from the horse’s mouth


    Your story about Laing O'Rourke (15 January, page 9) could give the impression that the Homes and Communities Agency revealed details to your magazine about this company’s plans for pre-fabricated housing

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    Safety in danger


    Let there be no doubt about it – accident prevention “corners” are being scaled back (“Experts warn recession may cause on-site danger”, 6 January, building.co.uk)

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    Rules of the games: Olympic health and safety


    Not content with running one of the biggest projects in UK history, the Olympic Delivery Authority also wants to overhaul health and safety standards

  • Greg Verhoef

    The real big freeze


    If you think this winter has been cold, just wait until you feel the chill down the spine when a newly elected Tory party starts slashing public spending

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    It's a long wait yet for commercial construction upswing


    Each time a commercial property developer hints at making a move in the market I am confronted with the same question by those with an interest in construction work: Is this the start of the upswing?This question is usually followed by the suggestion that developers must be keen to build ...

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    Reasons to be careful – December’s higher than expected inflation


    Consumer Price Inflation at 2.9% in December and up from 1.9% a month earlier... mmm... that’s not what the experts expected. Not by a long way.This morning’s story from Reuters published ahead of the inflation figures had its poll of experts plumping for inflation at 2.6%.No doubt there will be ...

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    2010: The year of the deal


    WYG decided to go into Ireland shortly before its economy imploded; worse decisions were possible (a Reykjavik office?) but only justGrowth and success are not the same thing. Unless expansion is carried out by a skilled management team working to a plan as shrewd as it is lucky, opening overseas ...

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    Forecasts point to a tough and risky road ahead for construction


    The latest Experian forecast is out today and it paints a broadly similar, albeit slightly more optimistic, picture to that of the recently released forecast from the Construction Products Association.The main point of departure is on the views towards housing. Here the Experian forecasters are more bullish, if you can ...

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    My digital life: Julian Symons


    What is your favourite website?

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    Chris Wise on chivalry in construction


    The Middle Ages weren’t all codpieces, smiting and pointy shoes. In fact, many of the principles of knightly conduct still apply today, often in surprising ways

  • Westfield shopping centre

    Wonders & Blunders with Keith Williams


    Keith Williams salutes a Victorian grand projet that brought London together, but blows a raspberry at a shopping centre that ignores it entirely

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    Hansom a knight’s tale


    What could be more inspiring than tales of maidens saved, quests completed, silver steeds and mortal peril. But the terrifying beasts in Building’s office? Definitely just a myth