Opinion – Page 336

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    My digital life: Yvonne Wood


    What is your favourite website?

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    We are on a perilous road to the new normal – but at least it’s exciting


    Yesterday I went to an excellent conference organised by the Council of Mortgage Lenders. I know it was good because I came away with a headache and a slightly befuddled mind, but invigorated nevertheless.What made it more interesting was that on the train into London I read Martin Wolf’s column ...

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    Open Source Planning: naive, stupid or cynical?


    If you think that the economy is posing a problem for house builders, you might want to consider the planning proposals put forward by the Conservatives.“Jaw dropping” was one phrase that an expert on planning matters put to me. “Concerning” was the more sedate and political word chosen by the ...

  • Denise Chevin

    Why we need Charter 284


    This week Building is launching a campaign to argue for five policy goals that the winner of the general election should implement

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    The confusion over public sector spending cuts


    There has been much comment recently concerning the planned cuts in public sector investment, with a figure of 50% often mentioned. This relates to the planned reduction in public sector NET investment over the period 2009/10 – 2012/13.However, GROSS investment is planned to fall by a lesser 30% over this ...

  • Ros Fox

    The great divide


    Given the importance of school work, contractors need to dedicate much more thought to getting education experts and construction experts to work together

  • Nick Raynsford

    Detached housing policy


    Grant Shapps’ plans for the housing market fly in the face of expert opinion and will seriously hinder the recovery

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    Building buys a pint … for EC Harris


    It’s pretty well understood that if you gather any group of English people over a certain age together in any one place for any period of time they’ll start talking about house prices...

  • Hansom

    Hansom opportunity lost


    Chance favours the prepared mind, which is bad news for Grant Shapps, Chris Cheshire, the RIBA press office and the government of the UK – and very good news for a certain consultant

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    Flawed board


    James Wates’ appointment as chair of the CITB CSkills board (12 February, page 10) has some clear benefits for the sector, and he will bring real strengths to the role

  • Learning from the past: can these terraces teach us how to build healthy homes?

    Mind, body and soul


    I read the article on “broken homes” and Amanda Levete’s article (22 January, page 20 and page 22) and neither discussed one of the main reasons why we should deliver better homes and workplaces

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    You need help


    As a quaintly named “heritage professional” dealing with “heritage assets” and their management, I can understand Simon Tolson’s frustration with the lack of standard procedure in dealing with historic buildings (5 February, page 47)

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    About time


    At last someone who spells out clearly what the taxman is doing to the industry (“Government burglars”, 5 February, page 3)

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    The wranglers


    I was interested to read what Ann Minogue had to say concerning lawyers who represent parties in adjudication (22 January, page 51)

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    Try to understand


    It is sad to see that some Yorkshire authorities are proposing to use a big stick to beat contractors over cover pricing (29 January, page 9)

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    Silk bloomers


    In the article “Mind the gaping hole” (5 February, page 20), you say that “Chris Bolt, the QC who is acting as independent arbiter” threw out Tube Lines’ recent £327m claim against London Underground

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    My digital life: Murray Forsyth


    What’s your most played iTune at the moment?

  • Tim Elliott

    Have wig, will travel


    The increasingly mobile judges of the TCC are happy to do you a trial in the cheapest, most convenient part of the country. But how do you decide where that is?

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    Nuclear new-build: Proceed (with caution)


    The nuclear new-build programme has a lot to offer, as long as you can navigate the regulatory and contractual minefield surrounding it

  • Tony Bingham

    Milking it: Safeway and the OFT


    When Safeway was fined by the OFT, it tried to claim its money back from the employees it thought had caused the problems. Might construction companies follow suit?