Opinion – Page 335

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    Building buys a pint … for Provelio


    “Look, it’s perfectly simple. I want a caipirinha mule, a sherry martini, a cabernet merlot and one of those Polish beers. A Zweibacker, I think.”

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    Hansom: Your guide to …


    … common Chinese phrases, negotiating with Americans, hosting a Hampstead dinner party, and how to look good in a diamanté-encrusted swimming cap

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    Schools construction: plenty to fight for


    It was difficult to know what kind of atmosphere to expect at this year’s BSEC.

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    Growth eludes construction as economy grows –that’s how CIPS sees it


    The latest set of figures from the buyers’ body CIPS shows that construction remains mired in recession and the general pattern painted by the numbers provides little scope for optimism.The level of incoming orders fell for the third month in a row, says the report. And this will be from ...

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    Wrong time for an overhaul


    Over the past few decades our system for regulating the supply of land and what can or cannot be built on it has become labyrinthine

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    Surfing building.co.uk


    From today, in order to continue to invest in the high quality of journalism that you have come to expect, we are restricting access to online content to magazine subscribers only – or those of you who elect to take out online-only subscription

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    Ice Ice Baby … Heavy Snow Returns to Scotland


    Safety in the Snow- Essential guidance for employers, employees and those with responsibility for health and safety.After what has seemed to be the longest, coldest, snowiest winter on record; extreme weather is still causing problems all over Scotland. Roads are closed, houses are still without power and the everyday dangers ...

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    Prepare for a double dip in construction growth – the implication of today’s GDP figures


    The UK is coming out faster from recession than we thought. But the hole was deeper.That seems to be the message from the statisticians’ latest stab at the nation’s output.The increase in fourth quarter GPD was revised upward from 0.1% to 0.3%, which will cheer many not least the Chancellor.But ...

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    Corporate manslaughter: When they read you your rights


    The Corporate Manslaughter Act makes it likely that anyone involved in an investigation will find themselves being grilled in a police interview room. Here’s what they can expect

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    Mangled by the machinery: notice provisions


    Generally speaking, the courts are understanding if a party makes a smallish mistake with its notice provisions. But don’t rely on it

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    The Wrekin ruby, episode 25: What’s it worth?


    The astonishing tale of the Shropshire contractor and the stone worth somewhere between £11m and £100 has just taken another twist … Emily Wright talks to the man who has just bought it for £8,100

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    Charter 284: The response


    Our pre-election campaign, launched last week, gathers momentum

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    Burning issue


    That Viridor could be classed as green or incineration portrayed as renewable energy is laughable (Green energy firm to appeal Oxfordshire planning decision, 4 January, building.co.uk)

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    Offering the world


    While I read with interest your interview with Mr Shapps, the shadow housing minister (5 February, page 28), your choice of headline was unfortunate for a professional journal

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    Scotland the brave …


    The Scottish government’s recent consolidation of 17 planning policies into one document is to be commended

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    Scotland the brittle


    Recent alarming reports that Scotland’s unemployment rates outstrip the rest of the UK should prompt government at all levels to look afresh at their strategy for bringing this country out of recession

  • Robert Adam

    Robert Adam: The deadly sin of incompetence


    Architects love chasing fame but the tiresome stuff of knowing how a building is put together seems beneath them. The sixth of Robert Adam’s seven deadly sins of architecture is incompetence

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    Wonders & Blunders


    Dickie Bird hits us for four, squeezing in three favourites – including, wouldn’t you know it, Lord’s cricket ground – and a now defunct baseball park that was getting on a bit

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    Hansom true colours


    As Brookfield and Cleveland Bridge are shown the yellow card, others strut the red carpet of fashion week and make good use of neon dancewear. It’s just Davis Langdon that is left feeling a bit blue

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    Greg Verhoef: Get workers to think for themselves


    If you want workers to be safe on site, you have to get them to think for themselves. So, we need less bureaucracy and more reliance on our natural sense of danger, says Greg Verhoef