Opinion – Page 334

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    Something to shout about


    One of the best bits of news we’ve heard in a long time was delivered by Ed Miliband last week

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    Insurance: Are you prepared to take the risk?


    Insurers say they are suffering disproportionate losses from buildings built using modern construction methods. Unless the industry acts, says Thomas Lane, they may pull cover

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    New Legislation for April 2010 – What are Your Responsibilities ?


    April and October are always interesting in terms of new Regulations in the health and safety world. This April is no different, with some key issues, affecting employers, employees and anyone with responsibility for health and safety. For a complete guide to the changes, who they affect and how to ...

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    Is the housing market on the turn again?


    Today’s release by the surveyors’ body RICS of its latest housing market survey provides a little bit of support to both sides of the will-they-won’t-they debate on house price rises.Looked at nationally, the broad measures of estate agents experiences and expectations of house prices remain positive.A majority of 17% saw ...

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    Housing shortage, what housing shortage?


    Few people disagree with the notion that there is a housing shortage in England. It is trotted out both as an argument for more social homes and as an underlying case for ever increasing house prices.I too subscribe to the view that we need to increase and enhance the English, ...

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    Timber frame insurance controversy: Building responds


    We’ve had quite a response to our story on insurers threatening to pull cover on timber frame buildings, here's the gist of it...

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    The real cost of regulation


    According to the government, providing homebuyers with a plentiful supply of new homes has been an important goal for most of the past decade

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    Official figures show construction output falling again, but devils lurk in the detail


    Construction output slumped back into decline in the final quarter of 2009, after a supposed rise out of recession in summer.That is the headline story from today’s release of the construction output figures.But dig a bit deeper and we see some unsettling implications in the numbers.Firstly the statisticians now believe ...

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    eBest practice


    Your article, “Contractors attack rise of eBay tendering” (26 February, page 15), is wholly unfair and quite inaccurate

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    Could it be magic?


    I was intrigued to see that the Building for Life score of one of the developments in round one of the Kickstart programme had flowered from 1.5 to 16.5 (26 February, page 11)

  • Eddie’s looking up at the stars, but is his language still in the gutter?

    Man behaving badly


    As an avid reader of Building, I must register my disappointment at seeing the increased use of swear words in print

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    Hard facts


    With regard to your article “MPs: Ban import of child-labour stone” (12 February, page 14), I would like to draw your attention to the Stone Federation’s document, Selecting the Correct Stone, which is to be published shortly.

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    Save our regs!


    The article “Councils start early on Tory planning overhaul” (26 February, page 10) was read with interest and concern

  • Introducing Polokwane’s all-new Peter Mokaba stadium …

    Yellow card


    Regarding your feature on the South African World Cup venues (12 February, page 38), we have been involved with the new Peter Mokaba stadium in Polokwane since our team won the commission in June 2006

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    Houses and trousers


    The Tories’ planning green paper is another cheap shot at gaining votes (22 February, building.co.uk)

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    Going, going …


    In response to Building’s story about the skills crisis (“Union warns of skills time bomb”, 5 February, building.co.uk), as a trainee building surveyor I am beginning to regret my decision to join the industry

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    … gone?


    I am thinking of giving up completely on construction (“Anxious about finding work in 2010?”, 26 February, building.co.uk).

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    Price, value and Vincent van Gogh


    It’s sad but true that the way we define the worth of people, professions and companies has nothing to do with the value of what they actually do, says Chris Wise

  • Ross Kemp

    My digital life: Dean Walton


    Are you into social networking?

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    Amanda Levete: What Japan can teach us


    Or, as the atlases have it, Japan: a country that endlessly contradicts itself, but does so with such artistry that it hardly matters. But what can it teach us