Opinion – Page 332

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    Stamp duty - a tax rise that looks set to win votes


    There is obvious glee within the housing market about the prospects of a two-year period free of stamp duty for those first-time buyers who purchase properties worth less than £250,000.The £250,000 threshold captures practically all of them, with significantly less than 10% of exceptions that will be mainly resident in ...

  • Comment

    Comforting data ahead of the budget


    As the Chancellor Alistair Darling puts his final touches to the Budget he will be relieved by the recent spate of comforting data.Last Wednesday we had employment statistics showing that the unemployment was falling.On Thursday the figures on public finances were far healthier than expected, with the Institute for Fiscal ...

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    Focus on the here and now Mr Darling


    With the sound of warnings from the European Commission ringing in Alistair Darling’s ears that his plans to halve the UK’s £178 billion deficit in four years “lacks ambition”, just what should be announced in Wednesday’s Budget?What is likely is that it won’t contain as much detail as many, including ...

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    Tax, tax, tax and more tax – a rallying cry for construction


    This is a rant.Why? Because I can't help myself. I tried to hold back.I read the first three chapters of the Low Carbon Construction Innovation & Growth Team emerging findings and I am now deeply saddened.I didn’t bother with the remaining chapters, but did eyeball the recommendations.I was not saddened ...

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    Unspoken risks


    Managing the issue of violence in the workplace can begin with simple steps to identify and managing policy

  • Denise Chevin

    Starving artist syndrome


    The BA saga might be giving unions a controversial reputation, but a more organised workforce wouldn’t go amiss in the architecture profession right now

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    Mipim 2010: More business, less champagne


    Sitting on the terrace at the Villa Francia, waiting for the airport transfer, I wonder - what to make of the 2010 vintage? Well, for one thing it has been the coldest Mipim I have been to for a long time.Anyone sitting on the Riviera seafront in the sunshine for ...

  • Hansom

    Hansom: Dog eat dog


    The law of the jungle rules this week, whether you are competing for the affections of a French firm, or in a talent-contest-style selection process – or just acting like a guerrilla

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    How do I… manage my litigation costs?

    Litigation is an expensive business, but there are steps you can take to reduce the final bill

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    Third party pooper


    The Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act empowers third parties to enforce contractual terms. Yet in the 10 years it’s been around, it has had hardly any effect

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    The true cost of installing a boiler


    Some people have asked why I said the cost of replacing a boiler was likely to be nearer £5,000 than the £1,367 you suggested (22 January, page 24) or the retail cost of about £750

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    Broadcasting to the Beeb


    The BBC has criticised construction firms for “wasting resources and duplicating effort” (5 March, page 9), yet in the past 18 months we have seen more than 300 organisations from across the industry commit themselves to halving construction waste sent to landfill by 2012

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    Building's bloomer


    I read with interest your article on the BBC’s attack on UK construction (5 March, page 9)

  • HA! My name is Knotweed and your puny tarmac is no barrier to my aggressive growth and well developed root system...

    Does anything eat psyllids?


    Oh dear. Nothing in this article mentions predators for the psyllids (“Knotweed under attack as biologists release killer beetles,” 9 March, building.co.uk)

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    Safe as houses


    May I add to the comments made in Geoff Arnold’s letter on behalf of the UK Timber Frame Association (12 March, page 26)?

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    Too much capital


    Good to see proposed infrastructure projects (“High-speed rail network proposals revealed”, 11 March, building.co.uk), but I notice that the emphasis is on improving transport to and from London. There are high-speed rail networks to and from London already in existence

  • Paul Morrell

    The next 40 years starts now


    The government’s proposals for a low carbon economy are going to keep construction busy for years – if it can develop the leadership and the vision to respond to them

  • The Houses of Parliament

    Wonders & blunders - 19 March 2010


    Michael Fish is blown away by the majestic Palace of Westminster, but feels chilled to the bone whenever he walks past Centre Point in London’s West End

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    My digital life: Kevin Brand


    What’s your favourite website?

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    Hot spots and packed pubs on St Patrick's day


    Last night was a busy one. The evening kicked off with a catch up with Archial for a Building Buys a Pint. Within 5 minites if sitting down i had heard one of the greatest mipim stories yet. You'll have to read the issue of Building out the week after ...