Opinion – Page 329

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    Save the trees


    I fail to see how you can propose the use of timber as a sustainable material (“How green is your brand?”, 12 April, building.co.uk). It takes many years for a tree to grow, unless it is of a pine variety

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    Making a Case for Health and Safety


    The IOSH Conference in Glasgow discussed the topic of making a case for health and safety, increasing positive communication and helping H, S and E professionals to do their jobs without obstruction or prejudice.This got me thinking ….Imagine the sceneYou’re sat in a small bar with live comedy. The room ...

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    High time: topping out of the Heron Tower


    “This event is quite something,” said one guest at the topping out of the Heron Tower yesterday. “You don’t get many of these ceremonies done like this. Or with this many guests. But then look around. You would know that this was a [Gerald] Ronson event wouldn’t you?”I have to ...

  • Stacey Sinclair

    Linklaters Business Services vs Sir Robert McAlpine & Others: Subcontractor's duty of care


    Did Southern Insulation owe Linklaters a duty of care in respect of the supply and installation of the thermal insulation to the pipework?

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    Meditations in an emergency


    What happens when, in the middle of a horrible recession, a group of engineers devotes a year’s worth of Mondays to thinking instead of working?

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    Building buys a pint … for Conamar


    Have you tried to buy a tweed jacket on eBay recently? If so, you’ll probably have noticed a seemingly inexplicable surge in prices.

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    Hansom: Controlling interest


    It’s a hearts and minds battle this week, as everybody from PRs to party men try to convince us that they’re keen on Cabe, hard at work on site, and just as generous as people say they are

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    On the terraces


    I read that a Stirling prize winner is to “reinvent the terrace” for the legacy of the 2012 Olympics

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    Thinking out of the box


    The Homes and Communities Agency’s requirements are driving developers toward construction of “homes” rather than simply dwellings (“New standards could add £10k to new homes”, building.co.uk)

  • Lessons will be learned from Ashley primary school

    The future of low carbon


    I was delighted to read about the steps being taken at Ashley primary school (26 March, page 48)

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    Offsite doesn’t mean offshore


    I read Richard Ogden’s article “Fast build nation” (26 March, page 32) with interest

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    More flock to the cause


    Rydon would like to sign up to your excellent initiative and back Charter 284

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    A willing volunteer


    So, out of £32.2m of public funding Persimmon boss Mike Farley paid himself a bonus of £406,000 (1 April, page 9) – no doubt for his excellent performance during their financially difficult period!

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    And finally …


    Some readers weren’t fooled by Building’s code level seven story (page 14, 1 April) …

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    My digital life: David Whysall


    What’s your top social networking site?

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    Could you vote labour again?


    The industry used to vote how it wanted, safe in the knowledge that it wouldn’t change a thing. Back in 2005 most of the industry thought that Labour had the best economic policies, yet felt free to vote Tory

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    Victim of construction's mass redundancies?


    Here’s a story: A woman called Amy Betts-Priddy was made redundant by Turner & Townsend last year. Rather than just accept it, she took the firm to an employment tribunal last week, claiming unfair dismissal, racial discrimination and sex discrimination. At the hearing she told the tribunal panel:- She was ...

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    Housebuilder bonuses: have bosses lost the plot?


    This week saw housebuilder Bovis Homes give 95,000 shares to chief executive David Ritchie in place of a cash bonus. The £282m turnover housebuilder said a cash bonus would be “inappropriate” given the state of the market.In a week when the Association of British Insurers made rumblings about the excesses ...

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    Local builders still deep in recession says latest FMB survey


    Evidence that construction is still far from free from the grip of recession has come from the FMB, the trade body that represents many of Britain’s local builders.The survey results show a market that remained in rapid retreat during the first quarter of this year.There is some good news as ...

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    Explanations on why the jobs figures and output figures don’t seem to match


    The Office of National Statistics has released an article that throws some light on the figures for construction jobs.I for one have been rather confounded by the construction jobs figures which seem to have understated the devastation on the ground, particularly in the wake of the collapse in house building.Indeed ...