Opinion – Page 325

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    Schools in danger


    While there are inevitable criticisms that can be levelled at Labour’s record, we recognise that architecture has generally done well under Labour

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    In uncertain times


    I turned the TV off at 43 seats to be decided and after Nick Clegg announced he would not deal with Labour. I think we will all be voting again soon

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    Politics or no politics


    Recovery? You wish. (“City warns hung parliament will delay construction recovery,” 7 May, building.co.uk).

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    Rebellion at the RICS?


    Readers left comments on the story “QSs threaten to quit RICS as row escalates” (7 May, page 9) at www.building.co.uk

  • Pascale Scheurer

    BSF is dead. So now what?


    Regardless of who won the election, Building Schools for the Future was doomed. But it can adapt into something new – and so can the architects that do it

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    Pay-when-paid: You know what I mean, guv?


    Shepherd Construction tried to rely on a pay-when-paid clause to not pay its subcontractor, William Hare. Problem was, it wasn’t well drafted – so would the courts help it out?

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    Commercial property: We can’t go on like this


    Commercial development is inching its way towards a fragile recovery but the landscape has changed forever and we will need to rethink our way back to prosperity

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    Religious discrimination laws: But I'm a shaman!


    A recent case has extended the laws protecting employees from religious discrimination to those who hold any kind of ‘cogent and serious belief’

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    My digital life: Jamie Adam


    What was the last thing you bought online?

  • Robert Adam

    A fool and his client’s money


    The last of Robert Adam’s seven deadly sins of architecture deals with profligacy – in other words, the tendency of big-name designers to put their artistic vision before their client’s wallet …

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    Nick Raynsford: Let me mark your card


    Now the election is over we can roll up our sleeves and get ready for the next one. But we do have a year or so of coalition government first.

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    Brookfield vs Mott MacDonald: Wembley stadium


    Mr Justice Coulson’s judgment is a reminder that courts are keen to avoid excessive costs

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    The New Government – Efficiency and a Drive for Better Public Services


    The waiting is over and an historic coalition government has been formed. In what was a dramatic evening, David Cameron stepped through the doors of Downing Street as Prime Minister, with former rival Nick Clegg taking his place as deputy.However, with unemployment at its highest level since 2004 and a ...

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    Construction redundancies remain high while vacancies remain low


    As the real business of governing the UK begins to wind up again, the latest employment figures will do little to cheer the incoming government as it prepares to put chalk marks on where deep public sector cuts will be made.The overall figures showed the rise of unemployment continuing above ...

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    Up all night. And for what?


    I just got off the phone with a contact who was wandering aimlessly around London, trying to find somewhere to buy lunch. He sounded drunk. Or like he was on a concoction of extremely strong painkillers.“No, no I’m fine,” he replied when I expressed some concern over the fact he ...

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    Scenarios in a hung parliament


    Here are some possible scenarios in a hung parliament but first the certainties: Whoever wins, there is going to be a time of policy review which will result in many Government capital projects being delayed for a few months until priorities are resetOne of the first jobs for the new ...

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    We don’t want a wossy


    The RICS’ new chief executive will take home £33,000 a month, thanks in part to the institution’s QS members. Here, Richard Steer spells out what he needs to do to earn it

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    Hansom: university of life


    The construction industry this week has been swotting up its psychology, computing, accounting and media studies skills. It’s leaving the creative writing to us, though …

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    Fighting among ourselves


    Greg Verhoef In the early nineties the Latham report espoused collaborative working and partnering; but has the economic downturn brought back combative behaviour?

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    Wonders & blunders with Building's new architectural correspondent


    Ike Ijeh is happy to stand in the rain waiting for a London icon, but some unfriendly office blocks leave him cold