Opinion – Page 323

  • Quentin Shears

    Quentin Shears: The Americano takeover


    ’We need to talk about rebranding - you have a brunch meeting at three’

  • Hansom ipod

    Hansom: Lessons in public speaking


    Some speakers can witter on for hours, while others can barely fill two minutes. To avoid a poor score on the snore-o-meter, a thrilling encounter with global infrastructure can come in handy

  • A sneak preview of Building’s upcoming publishing venture

    If you think this is bad …


    I read with interest your leader and article about quantity surveyors’ frustration with the RICS (7 May, page 3 and 9). I, too, have concerns about how it is run

  • Comment

    To the barricades!


    Your article “RICS set for showdown with ’big eight’ QSs” (14 May, 2010), reinforces the opinion within the rank and file that the RICS is pursuing a number of policies that are to the detriment of ordinary members

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    Ahem ...


    I refer to the article in last week’s edition, “Legal threat to surveyors drives down house prices” (7 May, page 13). I feel I must correct some misconceptions

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    Carts and horses


    Two cheers for Gerald Kaye’s column “We can’t go on like this” (14 May, page 34)

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    The case for cutting VAT


    Newly appointed Lib Dem ministers in the Cabinet need to honour their party’s manifesto commitment to cut VAT on repair and maintenance works

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    People's prince


    His intervention on the Chelsea Barracks scheme was a good deed well done by Prince Charles, as the high and mighty of the world of developers and architects are well able to use influence and money behind the scenes. The rest of us have to put up with the awful ...

  • Pole dancers

    Pole dancers


    Our thanks to Jon Prichard, director of resources at High-Point Rendel, for this shot of scaffolders at work across the street from his office. Jon writes: “This was taken this afternoon in Southwark. Please note that this photo has also been sent to the HSE as part of a complaint”

  • Isabel Dedring

    The persuader: Isabel Dedring


    As the GLA’s environment adviser, Isabel Dedring has to convince banks, businesses and more than 7 million Londoners of the need to cut carbon emissions 60% by 2025. She tells Emily Wright how she intends to make the case

  • Alicia Keys

    My digital life: Clare Hartnell


    What’s your preferred means of communication?

  • Luke Wessley

    Luke Wessely: Greek tragedies, British farces


    Before we get too comfortable as armchair critics of rapacious footballers and financially illiterate European states, we should take a long, hard look at ourselves

  • Grey Street

    Wonders & blunders with Chris Ryan


    Chris Ryan respects the endurance of Newcastle’s Victorian terraces, but reckons Foster + Partners’ Peterborough academy just can’t hack the pace of history

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    Plant hire prices reveal continued downward pressure on construction supply firms


    There’s little hope of a respite for suppliers from downward price pressure as the construction industry reshapes itself for lower levels of work

  • Brian Green 91

    Surviving the cuts


    Better than expected Q1 growth masks the real threats to the economy

  • Noble Francis

    Six billion pounds of spending cuts - and many more to come


    This is just of foretaste of cuts we face in the June Budget and autumn spending review

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    Hansom: The great escape


    Whether you’re off on a trip to Rio, a long-distance jaunt in a canoe, or sunning yourself in Barbados with Richard Steer, do let us know if you spot any of our 40 under 40 fugitives. They may be in disguise

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    Public contract awards: Challenging times


    Helen Bolton and Stuart Thompson New rules have paved the way for more challenges to public contract awards. So how do you protect yourself if you’re the preferred bidder?

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    Jack Pringle: Before the knife goes in


    The general election result has left construction at the mercy of a fragile political alliance, with cuts to public sector spending the only certainty. We have to fight our corner

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    Building buys a pint for... Alumet systems


    “I’m thinking of going on holiday to Bangladesh,” remarks Dean as we get stuck into our first round of drinks