Opinion – Page 298

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    Where should I start?


    My dad gets Building and recently I used it as an information source on my GCSE project (19 March)

  • Richard Steer

    Guess who came for dinner?


    Richard Steer was tired of shouting at the business secretary every time he appeared on his TV screen, so instead he invited him over for a bit of a chat …

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    Halifax shows continued slide in house prices…but the real market test comes in the New Year


    VAT rises, unemployment and stiff lending requirements point to further decreases in house prices

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    Forecasters foresee a long road to recovery for construction


    CPA forecast predicts no real construction growth for at least two years

  • Tom Broughton

    Attack of the clones


    Atkins this week becomes the latest British firm to reveal it has fallen victim to Chinese fraudsters

  • Brian Green

    New orders point to coming dip in construction output


    The fiscal stimulus did have a positive effect, but that could be wiped out by the public spending cuts

  • Alastair Stewart

    How to spot the next Rok


    Rok’s spectacular collapse seemed like a bolt from the blue, but in fact it followed in the footsteps of other once admired but now failed big names. What are the warning signs?

  • /c/a/d/Thanksgiving_Turkey_.jpg

    Quentin Shears: A QS gives thanks



  • hansom ipod

    Hansom: That’s entertainment


    On show this week: posh parties at the Lord Mayor’s pad, political theatrics in Westminster and unexpected revelations about the Olympics; plus rural folk revive the ’keep off my land’ routine

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    Too many targets


    As we have reached the time of year for the Building Sustainability Awards, I thought it would be appropriate to air my frustration with the current level of environmental energy policy.

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    Pester power


    Just in case it has been missed by everybody in the industry, the Health and Safety Executive has published an amendment to HSG168. In layman’s terms that’s the amendment to the guidance for managing fire strategy on building sites. This is a very thought-provoking document.

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    Let’s play associations


    I read with interest your article on specialists (19 November, page 36) and would respectfully point out that at least six companies in your fit-out category are NAS members, including ISG Retail, and are most certainly not subcontractors as your opening header suggests. I would also point out that they ...

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    Knowles on Levete …


    The article by Amanda Levete in Building (19 November, page 26) kindled a few memories. She poses the question: “Higher education is going to become increasingly inaccessible, so why don’t we create ways of training architects on the job?”

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    … And Taylor on Knowles


    Further to the article by Malcolm Taylor (no relation) in Building (22 October, page 33) regarding his dissatisfaction with the RICS, I was interested in the follow-up letter by the much respected Roger Knowles (29 October, page 27) and his effort to entice more QSs to join his breakaway organisation. ...

  • Tom Broughton

    Fairness heads south


    Come back John Prescott, all is forgiven! You probably never thought you’d hear such a plea

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    Sticks for the North, carrots for the South in the New Home Bonus handicap race


    Is the north funding the South's Nimbyism?

  • /f/c/g/robbie1.jpg

    My digital life: Nick Cullen


    What’s your favourite website?

  • /j/x/q/Chris_Wise.jpg

    Academia isn’t up to the job


    University research consistently fails to address the practical realities of construction. What we need is industry people in academic posts controlling the purse strings

  • /r/o/v/Bruce_Kennedy.jpg

    Wonders & blunders with Bruce Kennedy


    BDP’s director is inspired by New York’s forward-looking Rockefeller Centre, built in dark economic times, but regrets the retrogressive timidity of SOM’s One World Trade Centre

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    PFI alternatives: A change of route


    The damning National Audit Office report on the M25 widening scheme is the latest sign that PFI might be nearing the end of the road. But what are the alternatives?