Tavcom Training celebrated the opening of its new Training Centre in Bishops Waltham, Hampshire, by inviting over 50 guests to tour the new facilities.

The guests looked at the new purpose built workshops, CCTV control room, lecture theatres and offices, before listening to a presentation from Tavcom's director of training, Mike Tennent, who gave a rundown of the company's 16 year history and revealed a series of plans for the decade to come.

Tavcom's new location covers 3500 square feet and provides working space including a large meeting room, dedicated printing room and product test laboratory. The training centre includes a dedicated CCTV and IP workshop and lecture room, which has been fully equipped with the latest digital technology.

This is supported by a separate and fully functional CCTV control room, which operates an array of cameras installed in locations up to 15m high around the new complex. This electronic network is designed to provide students with the opportunity to commission, install and operate CCTV and integrated systems in a unique and authentic 'real world' environment.

Those who are attending intruder alarm, access control and fire alarm courses will also be able to work with the latest technology in a specially designed and constructed 'Alarms Cabin' which has been positioned alongside the main building.

The new Training Centre also boasts additional sound-proofed lecture theatres for both large and small groups . Tennent said the opening of the new Training Centre was the realisation of a long cherished ambition to bring the company's offices and training rooms into closer proximity.

"After our recent relocation into a new administrative building, the chance to develop a new Training centre just 50m away was too good an opportunity to miss," he said.