An affordable, secure, web-based software programme designed specifically to support the day-to-day running of a security company... Is the Over-C solution to contractor management a genuine advance? Brian Sims drops in on managing director Michael Elliott at the company’s Chatham headquarters for a lesson in Internet-based security deployment.

Having to work with contracted security guarding companies over the years has not been without its challenges for both in-house security and facilities managers. Regulation now in place courtesy of the Security Industry Authority (SIA) is beginning to make a difference to service delivery on the ground, but it can be argued that, in an industry plagued by high staff churn and harbouring a reputation for lack of accountability, eking out a consistent and effective service from your chosen contractor requires more than just an SIA licence.

In times past, problems have resulted due to a simple lack of communication between in-house security and/or facilities managers and their appointed solutions provider(s). Requests, messages and details of actions needed can often be passed around by officers on duty, with no direct link between the client and the contractor.

This approach can lead to incidents on site passing by without being reported. Small-scale problems – a broken window, for example – can turn into major concerns, in this instance maybe involving a break-in. Not surprisingly, the lack of accountability lends itself to a blame culture, leading to not a little distrust between security professionals and the contractors/officers they employ on site.

How, then, to solve this thorny problem? If the situation isn’t going to escalate out of control, there has to be distinct visibility about what is happening on the end user’s premises at any given moment in time. The contractor’s line managers need to know that officers are where they should be.

On top of that, they also demand incidents be reported and dealt with in the quickest possible time. And rightly so.

Over-C: a new approach

If anyone could devise a suitable software solution to this problem for guarding companies then the smart money would be placed on Michael Elliott. Over-C’s managing director boasts more than 15 years’ experience in the industry. A former officer and founder of the well-respected niche security provider Akita (which was eventually sold to Capitol Security in 1999), Elliott began developing the Over-C ‘answer’ a little over three years ago to champion the efforts of small-to-medium sized security companies.

“After managing my own small security company for eight years, I knew that something needed to be done to change the industry,” states Elliott in a forthright, no nonsense manner. “The new licensing requirements only go so far. Customers are now seeking reassurances that security contractors not only have the manpower to fulfil their stated obligations, but also the technological know-how to execute their role effectively and efficiently.”

Elliott duly channelled his knowledge and experience towards developing an infrastructure that smaller contractors could not typically afford. He has worked closely with leading technology providers – among them Nokia, Cynergy Systems, Mason Communications, Scientific Generics and Roke Manor Research – and tested the prototype on Kent-based contractors DCT Security, Sheriff Security and Excel Security before taking his finished solution to market in The Security Guarding Pavilion at IFSEC last May.

In essence, Over-C is a web-based software program that provides an automated communication platform between guarding company managers, their officers and the end user. Accessible via an Internet connection (the software is available online at, with a monthly pay-as-you-go charge and no fixed-term contract), Over-C integrates the Nokia Field Force Solution – consisting of Nokia’s 5140i RFID-enabled handsets and the Nokia Field Force Service Manager – allowing the remote tracking of security officer location and movement using RFID technology. That is a major advance on what has gone before.

Three key modules in situ

There are three key modules within the Over-C software: iCare, iRank and iTrac. The first of them, iCare, is designed to improve employee satisfaction. It allows officers to set their shift preferences prior to roster planning, and then rate their general satisfaction level following each shift. The freephone HelpLine also allows officers to call for counselling and support while on duty.

For its part, iRank improves rostering efficiencies. Built-in rostering algorithms automatically recommend the best officer for a given task based on preferences and shift satisfaction ratings logged through iCare. This also takes into account additional factors such as distance from the site, individual skills and employee availability/customer restrictions.

Last – but by no means least – is iTrac, designed to improve officer accountability. The Over-C software-enabled Nokia handsets provide the added functionality of tracking and mapping exact officer location by scanning RFID checkpoints throughout the patrol site rounds. A three-dimensional view of the location and progress is then created in real-time from the data transmitted. This allows security companies to monitor where officers might be, and to track where they have been.

There is also a secure telephone voice recorded log-in system for security officers. Web-based access is available at any time but, of course, is password-protected. There are individual portals for employers, customers and employees, and secure ‘dashboard views’ of operational assignments and individual officer appointments. Crucially, Over-C includes a graphic and written audit trail of incidents, actions and performances for insurance and legal requirements.

All data is hosted on secure servers located in the US Department of Defence-approved location outside Washington DC, with the second secure Data Centre based in London. The system has been built with robust Internet technology to ensure that data is streamed directly from a given server. This means that it’s always up-to-date and not stored on the PC, making it more secure. Software upgrades are provided remotely. No need for any manuals.

Interestingly, the system is able to show graphs of performance on site that can then be mapped against the Service Level Agreement.

In a similar vein, Over-C provides a unique visualisation tool that lets you create your own floor plans and maps online. You can drag and drop objects onto the ‘canvas’, add new pages and build a complete suite of ‘clickable’ maps. You can also drop RFID tags directly onto your ‘canvas’ and sit back and watch as the officers move around the map in real-time. For greater user experience, Over-C can design and upload interactive moving floor plans in 3D.

Middle management addressed

“The real intention with this system is to address the middle management equation in guarding,” explains Michael Elliott, “and how they should be the link between the officers and the directors of the company. Once an officer logs on to the system and reports any issues, only they can close an issue. With this system, both the client and the managers of the guarding company are aware of all outstanding problems. In fact, the end user can even make suggestions via the Issue Tracking System as to how the system might be improved in the future.”

According to Elliott, the Over-C software continues to be built “piece-by-piece”, with new features added almost on a monthly basis. “We want contractors to make some money in return for the added value they can offer by persuading clients of the benefits of Over-C,” he adds. “Our system will cost the contractor less than 10% of their annual turnover. Broadband and a web browser is all they need. In effect, Over-C starts where the SIA stops.”

In truth, Elliott expects the buying split (ie who actually purchases the Over-C solution) to be 40% security companies, 30% in-house teams and 30% purchasers who then urge security contractors to use the system. “There is something of a race on,” chips in Elliott. “Security contractors desperately want to be seen to be first with these ‘added value’ solutions for their clients. After all, that is what will win them continued and new business.”

Safety in the workplace is critical to the success of running a business, no matter what size it is. Michael Elliott believes it is far better to deal with safety issues and training before experiencing a problem. “A planned and easily accessible approach to safety is absolutely essential,” he opines.

“What do you do in a bomb threat situation? How do you get out of the building in the event of a fire? Where are all the emergency exits located? These are just a few of the procedures that need to be communicated to all members of staff. We have developed 3D multimedia training aids to help the user visualise such scenarios. Over-C is not about software. It’s about solving problems that have beset the guarding industry for years. We want to be seen to be forcing positive change.”

Feedback from the end users

If the guarding companies already using the system are anything to go by then Over-C appears to be hitting the mark.

Speaking to Security Management Today, Lenny Parkes – the managing director of Sheriff Security – comments: “I can’t imagine life without Over-C. Now I can rest assured that the right people are in the right place at the right time. There’s a vast improvement in our performance, and our reputation is growing as fast as our bottom line. The response from clients has been excellent. The system has saved them and us a good deal of money.”

“We were the first users of Over-C, and will never look back on our decision to invest in such an innovative system,” adds John Howieson, group operations director at the DCT Group (UK).

Howieson’s colleague – DCT Group (UK) director Alan Mullins – states: “Morale among the officers has definitely been lifted thanks to the introduction of Over-C. A good deal of their work is now easier because of the support this system affords them.”
