Tony Barton MCIBSE & Prof Ole Fanger HonFCIBSE

Tony Barton MCIBSE

The building services world has lost an indefatigable worker. Tony Barton, who died suddenly in August, was vice chairman of the CIBSE Education, Training and Membership Committee and provided much support on matters connected with registration as an Incorporated Engineer and on accreditation of courses, as well as in other ways.

He was equally active on education matters in the HVCA and was part of the group responsible for setting up SummitSkills. At the time of his death he had completed work on a GCSE in building services and was working with the Scottish education authorities.

He was a regional almoner and vice-chairman of the CIBSE Benevolent Fund.

Prof Ole Fanger HonFCIBSE

Professor Ole Fanger died suddenly while in a conference in the US. His work on internal air quality led to the definition of the units the olf and the decipol as ways of measuring the parameters which define an acceptable environment. His work underpins the European standards on the subject.

He and CIBSE did not always see eye to eye on technical issues, and there were tremendous battles in REHVA and in international standards committees when rival approaches were being proposed for assessment of indoor air quality. In the end his approach received massive international support.

He was an untiring champion of the importance of air quality in buildings at a time when most engineers were concentrating on temperature and humidity. His research has had a significant influence on theory and practice.