New Wiring Regulations come into force from 1 July next year. The good news is that the fundamentals remain the same… BSj reports

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the plant room, the Wiring Regs are getting a thorough overhaul.

BS 7671 Requirements for Electrical installations is to be updated as a new 2008 standard creating a 17th Edition of the Wiring Regulations. To be published on 1 January, they will come into effect on 1 July 2008.

So what does this mean for the building services engineer?

Dr Tony Sung, chair of the CIBSE Electrical Services Group, says: “The fundamental requirements for safety of BS7671 are unchanged. The new edition IEE Wiring Regulations will provide not just regulations but also notes and appendices to help designers and installers to use the regulations as per their intended purpose.

“New sections are being introduced to align BS7671 much closer to IEC60364, which is the basis of the electrical rules for international adoption.

“It will put UK building services engineers in the forefront of designing and implementing the technology and technique associated with the new sections.”

Between January and July 2008 engineers can use either the 16th or 17th Editions but after 1 July all installations must be designed and installed to BS7671: 2008.

A bit of history

BS 7671, the national standard for all electrical installation work in the UK, was first published in 1992 when the British Standards Institution (BSI) adopted the IEE Wiring Regulations, 16th Edition and made it a national standard.

However, the Wiring Regs have been around for much longer: the first edition was compiled by the IEE in 1882.

The BSI is represented by the British Electrotechnical Committee on the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and CENELEC, the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation. These two bodies create Harmonised Documents (HDs), bringing commonality to electrical installation standards throughout Europe and the world.

BS7671 has been amended six times since its initial publication, as Harmonised Documents have been added or revised. BS7671: 2008 and the IEE Wiring Regulations 17th Edition is the result of a complete review of its predecessor and adopts all of the Harmonised Documents published to date.