Malaysian architect Ken Yeang is to head the Llewelyn Davies scheme for a metro system in Dubai, after his shock move to the British firm.

Yeang, who has joined the 150-strong practice now renamed Llewelyn Davies Yeang, will take a lead design role on the system, which involves two underground lines and 23 stations.

Yeang is also working with Llewelyn Davies on redrafting the Essex Design Guide, which will be published in November, and on a large regeneration project on an undisclosed site in east London.

Yeang will retain directorship of TR Hamzah & Yeang, which has more than 180 staff in Kuala Lumpur, Beijing and Shenzen. It will offer low-cost design back-up for Llewelyn Davies Yeang.

Yeang said the firm could twin his background in green design and planning with Llewelyn Davies’ expertise in strategic planning and complex, highly serviced buildings such as hospitals.