Construction union Ucatt is helping three Polish workers to bring a case of alleged discrimination to an employment tribunal in what could become a test case for migrant employees.

The men, who worked for Gibson Contracts in Northern Ireland, allege they were paid less than Britons for doing the same work. They also claim they were working 80 to 100 hours a week, were forced to pay for their own personal protective equipment and had to rent accommodation from the company without a tenancy agreement.

Ucatt said the case was crucial in the battle to stamp out discrimination. A union spokesperson said: “We know this isn’t an isolated incident.”

An initial hearing will take place on 25 October. If the evidence is accepted, there is likely to be a full hearing within a year.

Last week, the union presented the Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform with a dossier listing alleged abuses of agency workers, many of whom were migrants.

Gibson Contracts declined to comment.