Grimshaw has increased both turnover and pre-tax profit by almost 50%, results for 2009-10 show

In the year ending 30 April 2010, the architect, which has offices in London, New York and Melbourne, saw turnover rise 47% from £11.3m to £16.6m while pre-tax profit rose from £1.66m to £2.4m.

Turnover in the UK grew from £9m to £12.2m, while the business outside Europe trebled to bring in £4m.

The firm, which designed the £150m St Botolphs commercial scheme in London, took on 57 staff over the year, including 49 architects, taking the practice total to 166.

A company statement said: “The quality of the group’s architecture will continue to attract clients globally. The group has increased workloads in all locations and finds itself in a healthy position to take advantage of new opportunities as the global economy comes out of recession.”