The recession has officially ended – just – but construction output was as flat as the Fens in the final quarter of 09 and the mood of our Gloomwatch panel is gloomy

This month six people rated their mood on a scale of 0-10, with 10 being the most unhappy. The average forms the Grimdex, which has been at six since September.

Small builder Markham Jones, owner of 1st Choice Property Services in north Wales, gave the first ever score of 10. He said: “There are no customers , just people phoning to sell insurance.”

Michael Ankers, chief executive at the Construction Products Association, said: “The economy may be coming out of recession but the spectre of cutbacks in public spending hangs over the industry.”

On the upside, subcontractor Diane Johnson had loads of enquiries (though at “ridiculously tight” prices), architect Pascale Scheurer is “swamped” with Building Schools for the Future work, and consultant Steven Barker says the London office market is “waking up”.