More than six times the number of energy assessors for non-domestic buildings than are needed are set to join the industry, despite earlier warnings of a shortfall.

Figures showing a potential oversupply of almost 2,500 assessors have become the latest setback to hit the government’s drive for the environmental inspection of buildings through energy performance certificates.

As recently as September, experts were concerned about a serious undersupply in the industry after accreditation boards told The Sunday Telegraph that fewer than 300 had qualified. But these figures did not include the 2,250 waiting to qualify or in training.

The new numbers, obtained from the communities department by John Morren, a retired business transfer agent, under the Freedom of Information Act, suggest that there are already 200 more non-domestic energy assessors than the 500 needed, and 2,250 more are in training or waiting to qualify.

The government has recently said a maximum of 550 assessors would be needed in current market conditions to carry out the required inspections.
