Virtual architects RLASL is planning to collaborate on a project on Architecture Island with Second Life designers
Architects will be converging in virtual world Second Life this Thursday to explore collaborative approaches to architecture in both Second Life and the real world.
Design group Real Life Architects in Second Life will design a building during the event and investigate the protocols and tools needed to make collaborations work in the virtual world.
RLASL’s brief for the building is for an artists retreat featuring an internal courtyard and a ‘green roof’, as well as school rooms and offices.
RLASL is inviting people to join them for the first meeting on Architecture Island on April 19 at 5pm. The event, called Wikibuild, will run for a month until the 19 May.
In June, London’s Design Museum will be hosting Architecture Week activities on Architecture Island. The events will be web-streamed into the museum and a specially constructed building on Architecture island will host meetings and workshops.
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