While UK developers consider fines for office workers who keep the lights on Beijing's housebuilders are told not to be so smug
Tchenguiz’s property plan
The Sunday Times reported that property tycoon Robert Tchenguiz is planning to unlock the value from J Sainsbury’s property portfolio. The paper said that he wants to create a 50:50 joint venture with the supermarket group on its property assets which he values at up to £10bn. It comes amid speculation that investment company Delta Two is plotting a takeover bid for Sainsbury’s.Landlords move to force tenants to conserve energy
New “green leases” could mean penalties for office workers leaving lights on and using too much water, according to the Sunday Telegraph. Hammerson, Hermes and DTZ are amongst the companies considering linking energy use, water consumption and waste management to financial penalties and incentives.
Science Museum II thinks big to liberate locked-away gems
The Times on Saturday reported that the Science Museum is to put its entire collection on permanent public view by transforming its satellite near Swindon into a vast interactive gallery. It will involve a £64m redevelopment of a disused airfield at Wroughton, Wiltshire.Leslau’s luxury retreat
The Sunday Times revealed that property entrepreneur Nick Leslau has teamed up with Bruce Ritchie’s Residential Land to build a luxury residential development in Barbados. The site, which was bought for around £11m, is expected to feature between 16 and 20 beachfront town housesRise in companies offering to buy and rent back debt hit-homes
The weekend FT reports that dozens of fledgling property companies specialising in buying homes from homeowners struggling with mortgage repayments have started up in recent months. The paper says the explosion is another sign of the growing level of indebtedness in the UK.China bulldozes its urban heritage
The weekend FT’s news analysis looks at China, where the paper says many of the old buildings of Beijing and Shanghai are being lost in a headlong drive for modern high-rise architecture.
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