Department of Health announces extra £50m spending on hospitals and services across the UK
The Department of Health has announced a new wave of funding for NHS community hospitals and services across the UK.
£50m will be spent on building six new health centres, two new community hospitals and refurbishing eight existing community hospitals.

The largest single expenditure will be in Hastings, where £12m will be spent building a state-of-the-art health care centre to house 10 GPs.
The new community hospitals will be in Hornsey and Bristol, while the new health centres will be in Hastings, Rotherham, Teddington, Ashfield in Nottinghamshire, and Todmorden and Brighouse in Yorkshire.
The eight community hospitals to be refurbished are Barking Hospital; Calderdale Royal Hospital; Huddersfield Royal Infirmary; Holme Valley Memorial Hospital; Laura Mitchell Health Centre in Halifax; Princess Royal Huddersfield; Felixstowe General Hospital and Royal South Hants Hospital.
Health minister Andy Burnham said: “These developments represent our commitment to the biggest hospital building programme in the history of the NHS … We are not just building like-for-like replacements of existing buildings, we are rethinking the way the NHS provides care so that patients receive better, more convenient services.”
The Department of Health has said it will spend £750m over the next five years on developing a “new generation” of community hospitals and services.
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