SAP programme sorted ahead of 6 April deadline for energy assessment for new housing

A key software programme required for assessing the energy rating of new housing was completed last week, it has emerged. The programme is required for the introduction of Predicted Energy Assessments (PEAs) in Home Information Packs (HIPs) for new homes on 6 April.

BRE cleared versions of the software, a simplified version of the Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP), produced by software companies SAVA (a division of National Energy Services) and Elmhurst late last week. BRE maintains and updates SAP on behalf of the Government and checks the versions produced by private firms for use in the field.

Rest assured

Brian Scannell, NES MD

As of April 6th a ‘no certificate no completion’ rule will come into force for new homes meaning that no building control certificate will be occupied without certification. HIPS have been required for existing homes since December 2007. The Predicted Energy Assessment (PEA) is an energy assessment for homes required prior to completion.

While some in the industry have been worried that that there will not be enough Domestic Energy Assessors (DEAs) trained up to carry out PEAs, interrupting sales completions of new homes, Brian Scannell, the managing director of NES, said the bulk of them would likely be done by those previously trained up on SAP. NES has 500 of these individuals. "We are not expecting a mad rush. Everything is going quite smoothly," Scannell added.